75-mind blowing Dinosaur facts.

1-We have some idea of what dinosaur skin looked like, thanks to skin fossfls-prints left in mud that later hardened.

2-some dinosaurs had feathers 

3-Ankyłosaurus had a large, fearsome club at the tip of its tail made from seven fused bones. 

4-The smallest dinosaurs were tiny enough to hold fn your hands. 

5-Sauropods, a group of plant- eating dinosaurs, are the largest land animals that ever lived, weighing as much as 88 tons (80 MT).


7-Almost all dinosaurs had curvy. S-shaped necks. 

8-Some meat-eating dinosaurs had teeth that were serrated; that is they had sharp ridges like steak knives. 

9-All dinosaurs laid eggs. 

10-Scansoriopteryx's long front limbs and very strong toe claws suggest that this meat-eating dinosaur climbed trees.  

11-The tallest known dinosaur, Sauroposeidon, was taller than a five- story building. 

12-The horned Dracorex hogwartsia was named after Hogwarts, Harry Potter's school. 

13-The longest dinosaur name, Micropachycephalosaurus, belongs to one of the smallest dinosaurs, just shy of two feet (o.6 m) long. Tyrannosaurus rex

14-The biggest dinosaur eggs could hold about as much fluid as 85 large chicken eggs. 


15- Many dinosaurs had spikes on their back and tail, but Tuojiangosaurus had a spike sticking out from each shoulder. 

16 Camotaurus, a relative of T. rex, had a pair of stubby horns above its eyes,


18-Deinocheirus, which means "terrible hand," had eight-foot (2.4-m) -long arms with three 10-inch (25-cm) claws.

19-When Parasaurolophus, a duckbill dinosaur with a musical head, breathed through its nose, air passed through a tube inside the top of its head and created a trumpetlike sound.

20-Epidendrosaurus had an extra- Jong finger on each hand-its third finger was almost twice as long as 3 Dinosaurs usualiy are named after a characteristic body feature where they were found, or a person involved in the discovery the others.

21-During most of the time that dinosaurs roamed the Earth, there were only two continents: Gondwana, in the Southern Hemisphere, and Laurasia, in the Northern Hemisphere.

22- Dinosaurs first appeared about 230 million years ago and went extinct about 65 million years ago.

23-A sequence of preserved dinosaur footprints is called a trackway. Millions of trackways in Colorado, U.S.A., mark a route now known as the Dinosaur Trail. 

24-Based on dinosaur tracks, the fastest dinos went about 26 miles per hour (42 kph).

25-Though mammals and dinosaurs lived at the same time, humans didn't appear until 62 million years after dinosaurs went extinct.

26-Dinosaurs were neither warm- blooded nor cold-blooded; they were dinosaur-blooded, meaning they combined conditions of both.

27- The word dinosaur is derived from Greek and means "fearfully great lizard." It first appeared in 1842.

28-Dinosaurs existed for a long time: The amount of time between Tyrannosaurus and Apatosaurus- 65 million years-is more than the time between Tyrannosaurus and you.

29-Scientists have discovered the remains of nearly 1.000 different kinds of dinosaurs.

30-All dinosaurs fall into one of two groups: saurischians or ornithischi- ans. Saurischians had one thumb that was significantly larger than the other; ornithischians had leaf- shaped teeth. 

 31-Fossils show that some dinosaurs laid their eggs in large nesting colonies with hundreds and perhaps even thousands of other dinosaurs. 

 32-Most dinosaurs could swim. 

 33-"Sue" on display at the Field Museum in Chicago. Illinois, U.S.A. is the largest (both in length and weight), most complete (go percent of her bones) and best preserved T. rex skeletoni ever found, 

34-Dirosaur Natbonai Monument in Colorado and Utah, U.S.A. is famouS for its abundance of dinosaur fossils, including a wall of 1500 bones. 

 36-The shape of a dinosaur's eye sockets can tell scientists what time of day the animal was active. 

37 Sinornithosaurus, a feathered, turkey-size dinosaur, had a poisonous bite. 

38 T. rex had a mini-me in look- alike Raptorex kriegsteini, a human- size dino that weighed 90 times less than T. rex.  


40 Pterosaurs, the first backboned animals to fly, are closely related to, but not considered true, dinosaurs. 

41 Triceratops horridus had a five- foot-wide (1.5 m) head.  

42 The peculiar Mononykus olecranus had only one finger on each arm.  

43 The bone at the top of Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis's skull could be up to nine inches (23 cm) thick.  

44 T. rex's jaw was four feet (1.2 m) long.


45 T. rex could eat up to 50o pounds (230 kg) of meat in one bite. 

46 Stegosaurus was 30 feet (9 m) long but had a brain the size of a tangerine.

47 Many dinosaurs had hollow leg and arm bones, which helped them to be swift runners.

48 Eighty-nine kinds of dinosaurs have been found in the United States -more than in any other country. 

49 Fruitadens haagarorum is the small- est known dinosaur in North America: It weighed about two pounds (0.9 kg) and was about two feet (0.6 m) long.

50-In 2007, explorers in India discov- ered a site that held more than 100 dinosaur eggs. Arranged in clusters of six to eight, some of the eggs 65 More than 80 percent of all dinosaur fosils are discovered by accident. were big enough that you would need two hands to hold them.

51- The 150-million-year-old Turiasaurus riodevensis weighed as much as seven adult male elephants.


53 Giganotosaurus lives up to its name: It was five feet (1.5 m) longer and 5,952 pounds (2,700 kg) heavier than "Sue," the largest T. rex. It was discovered in the Argentine desert by a garage mechanic riding a dune buggy.

54 Nothronychus and its cousin Therizinosaurus had the biggest claws on their arms of any animal ever. discovered in Antarctica.

55 Big dinosaurs were probably too heavy to sit on their eggs so scientists think they piled plants on top of the eggs to keep them warm.

56 Dinosaur fossils have been found on every continent.

57 The world's largest dinosaur, the 100-ton (91-MT) Argentinosaurus, was found after a farmer turned up the dino's shinbone.

58 The backbone of Argentinosaurus is the world's biggest bone: It weighs two tons (1.8 MT), and it took weeks to dig up.

59 In 1825, Gideon Mantell, a British,became the first scientist size of the brains of other giant to identify a dinosaur-the 33-foot (10-m)-long iguanodon.


61 Scientists think 42-foot (12.8-m) -long Edmontosaurus dinos migrated as far as 1,600 miles (2,575 km) a year.  

62 Apatosaurus is the correct name for the dinosaur known as  

63 Diplodocus had a 20-foot-long (6 m) tail that made a booming sound when the dinosaur snapped it. 

64-Mamenchisaurus had the longest neck-more than 30 feet (g m)--of any animal that ever lived.   

66 Meat-eating dinosaurs laid eggs that were mostly lorig and thin, whereas plant-eating dinos laid eggs that were more rounded.  

67 T. rex had the largest teeth of any dinosaur--they were the size of bananas and could dent metal. 

68 Some meat-eating dinosaurs had retractable claws, like a cat.  

69 Bones found in fossilized dinosaur stomachs reveal the diets of some meat-eating dinos. 

70 Cryolophosaurus was found about 100 míles (161 km) from the South Pole and was the first dinosaur 

 71 When the bones of Megalosaurus were first discovered, people believed the fossils belonged to an ancient dragon. 

72 Lourinhanosaurus swallowed stones to help grind up food in its gut, much like chickens swallow tiny pebbles and grains of sand to help with digestion.  

 73 The meat-eating Baryonyx had a foot-long (0.3 m) claw on each thumb.  

74 Spinosaurus had tall, thin back spines measuring seven feet (2 m) high. Some scientists believe the spines created a sail-like structure that helped cool the dinosaur.  

75 T. rex's brain was twice the doctor, . meat-eaters.
