100 Facts about Megacities-ASciencelover

1.A megacity is an urban area of more than ten million people.

 2. In 1975. the world had only three megacities: New York/Nawark, U.S.A Mexico o. Mexice; and Tokyo, Japan, 

3. Today, there are 21 megacities. 

4. By 2025, there will likely be 30 megacities. 

5. By 2050, seven out of ten peonle va probably live in a megacity. 



6. Tokyo is the largest city in the world with population of about 37 million 

7. The Sumo Museum in Tokyo is dedicated to sumo wrestling, the 2,000-year-old national sport in which most matchie last Jess than a minute, 

8. About 10 percent of Japan's entire population lives in Tokyo. 

9. Takyo's Shinjuku Station is the busiest train statien in she World. More than three million commuters use it every day. 

10. To save room on bike parking, Tokyo has "cycle trees," automatic, multilenal parking lot that hold up to 6,000 liikes. 

11. In a Tokyo McDonald's, you can order a shrimp burger. 

12. Tokyo Tower looks like the Eiffel Tower, hut it's red ail 26 feet (7.9 m) taller. 

13. Vending machines around the city offer more than just salty snacks-you can find ones that sell umbrellas, sneakers and neckties! 

14. Tokyo has a museum all about parasites! Visitors can see a pickled tapeworm specimen that is nearly 29 feet (9 m) long-thats ho as long as a killer whale! 

15. Tokyo's massive domed ballpark is nickriamed "The Big Egg" because of its white roof. It is the home of the Yomiuri Giante 

16. Tsukiji, one of the largest fish markets in the world, sells more than 400 different types of seafood. 


17. Its population is more thàn 22 million. 

18, Delhi is the capital of India, 

19. It is honte to an international museum of toilets, which contains toilet artifacts that date lacktn 2500 8. 

20. Auto rickshaws-three-wheeled motorized carts-are a popular way to get arpund the city. 

21. Delhi is famous for mithai-fancy, often colorful Indian sweets. 

22. The Red Fort. bujilt, in 1648 as a roval palace, earmed its name from the red sandstone walls that stand 75 feet e m high. 

23. Trained langur monkeys have been brounht to the city to scare off the thousands of pesky chesus monkeys that roam the strents When in Delhi, the word for "hello" and "good-bye" is Namaste. 

25. Delhi's Jama Masjid, the largest mosque in India, can hold 25,000 people Deh is situated on the Yamuna River, considered by Hindus to be one of the two most sacred rivers in India. SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL 

27. Its population is mere than 20 milion. 

28. Locals call the city "Sampy" 

29. In 2014. São Paulo will host the World Cup, the first time since 1950. 

30. Pelé, considered by mary to be the greatest soccer player to have ever played the game, started his career in São Paulo. Between 195s6 and 1974, he scored a total of 1,220 yons.. In the same space as São Paulo, you can fit the ontire population of Greece. 

32. Buttered sweet corn on the cob and creamy sweet corn juice are popular foods you can buy on the streets of São Paulo. 

33. São Paulo is nicknamed terra da garoa, "land of drizzling rain." 

34. The people of Sao Paulo are kriown as paulistas. 

35. Even though nost people speak Portuguese in São Paulo, people of Italian descent outnumber people of Portiuguese descent. 

36. More Japanese live in São Paulo than in any other community outside Japan 

37. All those people create a lot of trash. The city has figured out a way to convert methane gas fram the trash into fuel that helps power the city. 


38. Its population is more than 2o million. 

39.For centuries, Murmbai was called "Bombay" 

40. Bollywdod, India's film industry, is based in Mumbai. 

41. Bollywood produces more movies than Hollywood. 

42. Although nicknamed the "City of Dreams," Mumbai's slums are among the largest in the world. 

43. In Dharavi, a Mumbai slum, as many as 18,000 people crowd into a single acre (0.4 ha). 

44. Mumbai is also one of the richest cities in India, 

45. There are 17 public restrooms for every one million people in Mumbat. 

46. Mumbai's most popular sport is cricket. One of the oldest cricket clubs in India is located in Mumbai. 

47. India's official national sport is field hockey. 


48. Its population is about zo million, 

49. Mexico City sits at an altitude of 734o feet (2,240 m). 

50. The city sprawls over the site of Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec Empire until it was conquered by the Spanish in 1521. 

51. Artist Frida Kahlo was born in Mexico City. Her house is called "La Casa Azul" (The Blue House). 

52. Lucha libre, which means "free wrestling." began in Mexico City in the 1930s and is characterized by colorful masks and entertaining maves. 

53. Popocatépeti is an active volcano that can be seen from the city .

B M 3 t Shift End Pg Dn A 40) Alt Gr Crl Ins Del the second highest volcano in North America. 

54. In Aztec, El Popo means "smoking mountain." 

55. Mexico City is known for earthquakes, or tremors An 8.1-magnitude earthquake struck in 1985. 

56. Mexico City is nowhere near the ocean, but trucklonds of sand, some palm trees, and beach chairs KeR recently brought in to make ten fake beaches around public swimming pools. 

57. You can take a ride on a brightly painted gondola called a "trajiner" along the canals that the Aztec ance dug for farming. 

NEW YORIK CITY/NEWARK 56, Its population is just under 20 milkon. 

59. There are almost 12.000 icensed yellow taxis in New York City, 

60. Two million people crowd New York City's streets to watch the Macy's Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade. 

61. Most of the parade's giant balloons are five to six stories tall, 

62. The Statue of Liberty located in Upper Hew York Bay. has an 8-foot (24-m) -long index finger and a 35-foot (10.7-m) waistline. 

63. People of all ages can take a flying trapeze class at Trapeze School New York. 

64 More than 4,000 flights leave New York and Newark's three major airports every day, 

65. New York has the most extensive subway system in the world Laid end to end, the train tracks would stretch from New York City to Chicago (more than 70o miles, or 1,127 km). 

66. New Yorkers fold their lloppy pizta in half and eat it Hke a sandwich. 

67. In New York's Central Park, kids can climb into the lap of an oversized bronze statue of famous children's author Hans Christian Andersen. At his feetra bronze duck in honor of his famous story"The Ugly Duckling" 


68. Its population is about 17 million. 

69. Shanghai means "above the sea" in Chinese. 

70. Shanghai's famous snack is xioo long kan, soupy pork dumplings. 

71. It is considered China's richest city 

72. The city, which was once just a small fishing village, is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River. 

73. The city's magnetic-levitation, ar"maglev train reaches speeds of 267 miles per hour (430 ini Shanghai: "Thank you" is Xie Xie. 

76. The city's tallest building is the Shanghai World Financial Center. It stands 1614 feet (492 m). 

77. Century eggs-duck eggs prešerved in ash and salt for about 100 daysare a traditional food. The egg whites turn gray, making them look old. 


78. Its population is about 16 miltion. 

79. Kolkata used to be known as "Calcutta." 

80. The city is one of the last places where human-powered rick- shaws are still used. B1. Cricket and soccer are played at the city's g0,000-seat Eden Gardens stadium. 62. Nobel Peace Prize winner Mother Teresa left her teaching job at a convent to devote herself to helping and living among the poorest people in the slums of the city. 


83. Its population is about 15 million. 

84. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. 

85. Dhaka is among the fastest growing cities in the world, From 1990 to 2005, the city doubled In size-from 6 to 12 million. 

86. Bangladesh is about the size of the U.S. state of lowa. 

87. It has more people than Russia. 

88. Some children whose homes have been fluoded attend school an a boat instead of in a traditional classroom. 

89. By z025, It is predicted that Dhaka wil be larger than Mexico City and Shanghai. 

90. Many people are moving to the city to escape flooding in the countryside from the rising sea waters due to climate change. By 2050, a large part of Bangladesh could be permanently underwater 

91. The people of Dhaka speak English and Bengali. 


92. Its population is more than 13 million. 

93. Karachi is locally known as the "City of Lights!" 

94. Karachi is located on the coast of the Arablan Seawhere locals and tourists come for the golden beaches and resorts. The tomb of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, i located in the heiart of Karachi, and to many, is the city's symbol. 

95. The city is hit by monsoon rainslong periods of downpour and strong wind every year in late summer. 

96. The rupee is the currency of Pakistan. 

97. Every year, glant olive ridley and green sea turtles return to parts of the Karachi shoreline to lay their eggs, 

98. Karachi is the financial center of Pakistan. 

99. But half of the people live in slums. 

100. The city ks 60 times moce Crowded than it was when modern-day Pakistan formed in 1947. It grows by 6 percent-about 780,000 people- each year Magnets are used to create lift and thrust. 74. People in Shanghai spoak Shanghaieset. 
