35 facts about women who made history.

1-An 11 - year - old girl wrote a letter to presidential can dibate ABRAHAM LINCOLN suggesting he grow a beard ; he did . 

2-The comic book superheroine WONDER WOMAN --who fights villains with her Lasso of Truth first appeared in 1941 and graced the cover of the first issue of Ms. mag azine in 1972 

3-The famous BRONTË SISTERS -Charlotte , Emily , and Anne- published their novels under FAKE MEN'S NAMES Currer Bell , Ellis Bell , and Acton Bell . 

4-QUEEN VICTORIA ruled from 1837 to 1901 , the longest reign in British history and one of the longest in the world . 

5-MARY WALKER , a surgeon for the Union Army in the American Civil War , was awarded the U.S. Medal of Honor in 1965 , the first and ONLY WOMAN ever to receive the recognition . 

6-JULIA WARD HOWE , a women's rights activist and the author of the famous song " BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC , " first suggested Mother's Day as a day dedicated to peace . 

7-In 2006 , archaeologists unearthed a 1,600 - year old MUMMY of a king who turned out to be a woman , casting doubts on the idea that the ancient Peruvians were ruled only by men .

8- In 1903. MARIE CURIE became the first woman to win a NOBEL PRIZE , in physics . She won another in 1911 , in chemistry , and her daughter went on to win one in 1935.

9-NOBEL PEACE PRIZE winner and environmental activist WANGARI MAATHAI inspired her fellow Kenyans to plant more than 45 million trees in their country since 1977.

10- ELIZABETH I , who ruled England from 1558 to 1603 , was 25 YEARS OLD when she became queen . 

11 The ancient SUMERIAN QUEEN PUABI was found buried with heaps of gold jewelry , a board game , a lyre , and ten hand maidens and five soldiers sacrificed upon her death . 

12 . Runner WILMA RUDOLPH overcame child hood polio to win THREE GOLD MEDALS at the 1960 Olympics , the first American woman ever to nab three golds in one year 

13-Nearly 2,000 years ago , sisters TRUNG TRAC and TRUNG NHI led Vietnamese forces in a rebellion against Chinese rulers , capturing dozens of forts over several years .

14- CLARA BARTON founded the AMERICAN RED CROSS in 1881 at age 60 after risking her life to give clothing , food , supplies , and support to American Civil War soldiers in the field . 

15 In the spring of 1943 , 60 American women were selected from tryouts at Chicago's Wrigley Field to play in the first ever WOMEN'S PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL league . 

16-ELLEN SIRLEAF JOHNSON the president of Liberia since 2006 , is Africa's first female elected head of state . 

17-In 1805. American Indian SACAGAWEA , who appears on the dollar coin , explored the American West as a translator for Lewis and Clark - all while car Tying her infant son on her back 

18-Before she became a famous chef , JULIA CHILD worked for the U.S. government during World War II , helping to develop shark repellent and conducting top - secret work in Asia . 

19-African - American ROSA PARKS sparked peaceful protests against discrimination in 1955 when she refused to give up her seat on an Alabama bus to a white person . 

20-In 1893. NEW ZEALAND became the first nation where women could VOTE . In 2011 , 118 years later , Saudi Arabian women were given the right . 

21-Harry Potter author J.K. ROWLING has sold more than 450 million books in 70 languages and is the best - selling author of the first decade of the 21st century .

22-In 1901. ANNA EDSON TAYLOR became the first person to successfully go over NIAGARA FALLS in a barrel . 

23-In 2011 , GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL ranked # 4 - the only woman in the top 10 in a list of the 100 most powerful people in the world . 

24-MARY ANDERSON invented windshield wipers in 1903 after watching New York City drivers crane their necks out their windows to see in the rain . 

25-In 1926 , GERTRUDE EDERLE became the first woman to swim the ENGLISH CHANNEL covering 35 miles ( 56 km ) of frigid water in 14 hours and 39 minutes

26-HELEN KELLER became blind and dear before age two but still learned to READ , WRITE , AND SPEAK , and graduated from college with honors . 

27-In 2007 , India elected its FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT : 72 - year - old PRATIBHA PATIL

28- BENAZIR BHUTTO , who served two terms as prime minister of Pakistan in the 1980s and 1990s , was the first woman leader of an Islamic country.

29-VALENTINA V. TERESHKOVA became the first woman in SPACE when she orbited Earth 48 times in 70.8 hours in 1963 .

 30 At the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics , sisters VENUS and SERENA WINS took home gold medals for women's doubles tennis . 

31 Japan's JUNKO TABEI became the first woman to Summit MOUNT EVEREST on May 16 , 1975 

32-On July 17,1984 , SVETLANA SAVITSKAYA became the first woman to spacewalk float in space outside a spacecraft . 

33- At least 35 women have run for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES .

34-German - born international movie star MARLENE DIETRICH worked as a SPY for the United States during World War II .

35-ELIZABETH SMITH MILLER was one of the first women to champion Wearing PANTS . Trying to garden In a skirt in 1851 . She decided "this shack le should no longer be endured"
