1-One of the first PEZ CANDY dispensers was shaped like a space gun .
2-" SMART BOMBS ” don't just go until they run into something and explode . They are fitted with special guided equipment that takes aim at a specific target .
3-The BAZOOKA was named after the MUSICAL INSTRUMENT of the same name .
4 . One fan spent $ 240,000 on the original LIGHT SABER used in the first two Star Wars movies
5-FLAMETHROWERS launch burning fuel , and have been weapons in war for thousands of years .
6-A BAYONET is a dagger at the end of a rifle or musket and is used for close - combat fighting , especially when the gun is not reloaded .
7-People began using SLINGSHOTS shortly after the invention of rubber in 1839 , and they are firmly embedded in the gaming world , where colorful and angry ) birds are flung from them .
8- Aboriginal Australians used BOOMERANGS to hunt small animals like birds and rabbits .
9-In the time it took an early U.S. settler to load a MUS KET , a Native American was capable of firing at least a dozen ARROWS .
10- The VICTORINOX SWISSCHAMP has 33 tools packaged into one pocket knife - including a magnifying lens , toothpick , fish scaler , and wood saw .
11-Japanese SAMURAI fought on horseback with bows and arrows . They only used their SWORDS in hand - to - hand combat when they had used all their arrows .
12-When archaeologists found what is believed to be Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge , the cannons were still loaded with bolts , nails , and spikes intended to shred the sails of other ships .
13-Notorious bank robber John Dillinger escaped from a county jail using a FAKE GUN whittled out of WOOD .
14-The RED RYDE BB gun like the one featured in the movie A Christmas Story , is named after a comic strip cowboy .
15 -A pump - action MARSHMALLOW SHOOTER launches mini marshmallows the length of two minivans .
16-ALFRED NOBEL developed DYNAMITE with the intention that it be used for construction only . He left his fortune to REWARD SCIENTISTS who work for the benefit of humanity .
17-In the Olympic sport of the BIATHLON , an athlete with a rifle slung over one shoulder skis and then stops at certain points to shoot at targets .
18- Legends say that JAPANESE NINJAS , working as spies or warriors , wore a katana sword on their back and threw stars and darts .
19-FENCERS in tournaments use electric foils that have a button on the end that keeps track of points .
20-A 13th - century Scottish warrior once used a FIVE - AND - A - HALF - FOOT ( 1.7 m ) SWORD to fight the English
21-A SPUD GUN packs a punch . It works under air pressure and can launch a potato at speeds of more than 300 miles per hour ( 483 kph ) .
22-TOXIC SECRETIONS from poison dart frogs are put on the tips of BLOWGUN DARTS and used to hunt in Central and South America .
23-The U.S. Navy created a " SUPERGUN ” that's the size of a bus and shoots bullets that travel at 5,637 miles per hour ( 9,072 kph ) -more than seven times the speed of sound .
24-Gladiators used SWORDS , SPEARS , DAGGERS , SLINGS , and TRIDENTS when they battled in an arena .
25-A new kind of TANK acts like a CHAMELEON . It has special panels on it that make it look like a cow or car when viewed through heat - sensitive scopes .
26-GUNPOWDER was first used as fireworks and signals before being used in weapons for war.
27-The FIRST GUN was made about 1,000 years ago . It was a piece of bamboo , and gunpowder was used to fire a small spear .
28- The word “ DYNAMITE ” comes from a Greek word that means “ POWER . "
29-People long before Robin Hood used BOWS AND ARROWS . They've been around for 40,000 YEARS .
30-A TORPEDO with explosive TNT inside could put a hole in a ship the size of a barn door .
31-50 years ago , the U.S. blew up a HYDROGEN BOMB in outer space as a weapons test . The sky flashed red and green , and colors could be seen from Hawaii , U.S.A. , to New Zealand .
32-Every time a gun is fired it leaves a mark on the bullet . Police try to MATCH BULLETS WITH WEAPONS as evidence to who committed a crime .
33-In the 15th century , GRENADES were made by pouring gunpowder into a pot and lighting it.
34-In recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , GUN - CARRYING ROBOTS were used in battle .
35-You can see the pistol JOHN WILKES BOOTH used to kill U.S. President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre in Washington , D.C.
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