1-Preserved by chemicals or their natural environment , the bodies of MUMMIES DON'T DECAY
2-So - called BOG MUMMIES are preserved in cold peat bogs in northern Europe . They look exactly like they did when they died -- they even have hair .
3- A mummy from A.D.450 that was discovered in a PERU PYRAMID had images of spiders and snakes and imaginary creatures TATTOOED on her body.
4- HUNGRY ? Albert's a novelty candy company , makes GUMMY MUMMY candy coffins .
5-In 1800s London , people attended shows during which performers UNWRAPPED REAL EGYPTIAN MUMMIES on stage .
6- Just as doctors can use machines to LOOK INSIDE YOUR BODY , they also use them to peer inside mummies .
7-A TWO - YEAR - OLD GIRL who died in 1920 is so perfectly preserved scientists have dubbed her SLEEPING BEAUTY . "
8-The 2,500 - year - old SIBERIAN ICE MAIDEN mummy was found frozen in ice ; her eyeballs had been replaced by tufts of fur.
9- TUTANKHAMEN or " King Tut . " died when he was only 19 YEARS OLD , but he had already been pharaoh for ten years .
10-The 2.400 - year - old #TOLLAND MAN " found in Denmark was thought to be a criminal who was hanged and then thrown into a peat bog.
11- A mummy known as the " BEAUTY OF KRORAN found in China's Tarim Basin had a FOOT OF HAIR rolled up in an elaborate head dress :
12-Egyptians mummified HIPPOPOTAMUSES , apes , dogs , and cats .
13-The mummy of EUNG TAE , who died from an illness in 1586 was found in 1998 by construction workers on the job in South Korea
14- The word " mummy " comes from the Arabic word for a BLACK , GOOEY SUBSTANCE that people believed was used to prepare Egyptian mummies .
15- More than one hundred CHILDREN of the Chinchorro people of northern Chile died from accidental ARSENIC POISONING and were then mummified.
16- Mummies found above the Arctic Circle were FROZEN IN TIME by an ice slide.
17- King Tut's tomb was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922 , but there is evidence that ROBBERS had gotten there first .
18-Puruchuco , a site near Lima , Peru , contained more than 2,200 MUMMIES .
19-Egyptian mummies are often found with a RISING SUN AMULET , which symbolized ETERNAL LIFE .
20-An Egyptian mummy was buried in a SARCOPHAGUS , or stone coffin , that sometimes was shaped like a human body and decorated to look like the dead person .
21-in Papua New Guinea , the Anga tribe mummified their VILLAGE CHIEF When he died in 1950 , he was then SUSPENDED FROM A CLIFF WALL for decades .
22- Mummies aren't just from long ago ; the Soviet leader VLADIMIR LENIN was mummified in 1924.
23- Scientists can tell that the ICEMAN MUMMY died when someone shot him from behind with an ARROW .
24- Ancient Egyptians buried their PHARAOHS with many of their belongings to ensure a HAPPY AFTERLIFE .
25-Some people believe that King Tut cursed the members of the excavation team that unearthed him , but no evidence exists of the so - called CURSE OF THE MUMMY .
26- One Egyptian mummy was found with his TONGUE STICKING OUT .
27- Mummies have been found on every continent EXCEPT ANTARCTICA
28-Archaeologists think that the INCA ICE MAIDEN was sacrificed high up in the Andes Mountains some 500 years ago as a gift to the gods her people believed in .
29-In 2007 , a reindeer herder found a BABY WOOLY MAMMOTH MUMMY in the Russian Arctic . Some 40,000 years old , she was preserved by the mud that suffocated her.
30- The 5,300 year old ICEMAN MUMMY ate a hearty meal shortly before he died .
31- When making a mummy . ancient Egyptians THREW OUT THE BRAIN but kept the person's heart and other organs .
32-GLOBAL WARMING can lead to mummies being DISCOVERED , when they defrost in places such as the Andes or Siberia .
33- Mummies don't weigh much because all of their water content has dried up . The Chinese " Beauty of Kroran " MUMMY WEIGHS ONLY 23.5 POUNDS ( 10.6 kilograms ) .
34-Want to know what it feels like to be CHASED BY MUMMIES ? Just take a ride on the Revenge of the Mummy roller coaster at Universal Studios in Florida , U.S.A. , to find out !
35- A 2,000 - year - old MUMMIFIED TEENAGER found in the Netherlands died from either the knife wound in her chest or was strangled by a cord around her neck .
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