1-People can nap with their EYES OPEN .
2-On average , we spend a third of each day sleeping — that's about four months a year ! If you live to be 70. you'll spend 23 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE SLEEPING
3-YAWNING CAN BE CONTAGIOUS ! When some one near you yawns , you are likely to yawn yourself , especially if you know the person
4-MYTH BUSTED ! The chemical tryptophan , found in turkey , DOES NOT actually MAKE YOU SLEEPY .
5-In the 1700s , scientist Carolus Linneaus designed a " FLOWER CLOCK " that could tell the time by which flowers were opened or closed during the day . He never built it .
6-In 2005 a teenage girl in London SLEEPWALKED OUT OF HER HOUSE , climbed to the top of a 130 - foot ( 40 m ) crane and then walked out onto the beam and fell asleep.
7-To protect itself while it sleeps , a PARROTFISH DOZES MUCUS that surrounds its entire body like a cocoon disguising its scent from any lurking predators
8-The Singapore Changi airport has won the " GOLDEN PILLOW AWARD " for 15 years in a row for being the most comfort able airport in the world to sleep in .
9- PILLOWS have been found in ANCIENT EGYPTIAN TOMBS .
10-People who take a short nap during the day . A SIESTA , may be more productive than those who don't .
11-Giraffes sleep for a little LESS THAN TWO HOURS a day .
12-When you dream , it can FEEL LIKE HOURS HAVE PASSED , but in reality . It's only been MINUTES .
13-In 1965. high school student Randy Gardner intentionally STAYED AWAKE 264 HOURS ( 11 DAYS ) for a science project .
14-Astronauts on the space shuttle slept in SLEEPING BAGS THAT HUNG FROM THE WALL
15-Birds can sleep for 30 - SECOND INTERVALS this might be how they fly without resting during long migrations .
16-Elephants sleep BOTH STANDING UP AND LYING DOWN . They lie down for REM sleep . Which is the stage of sleep when most dreams happen .
17-During REM SLEEP ( the dreaming stage ) . a person's body actually becomes PARALYZED so you don't act out your dreams . This is called sleep paralysis , or atonia .
18-DOLPHINS that are closely bonded might SWIM IN SYNCHRONY .
19-HARRIET TUBMAN often fell asleep when she was helping people in the UNDERGROUND RAILROAD . Most likely she suffered from narcolepsy , a dis ease of excessive sleepiness
20 To stay warm GARTER SNAKES HIBERNATE TOGETHER by lying on top of each other in big heaps , usually in rocky crevices .
21-In the 19605 , DION MCGREGOR TALKED SO CLEARLY IN HIS SLEEP that his roommate recorded it and called it " The Dream World of Dion McGregor : He Talks in His Sleep".
22, Medical experts have seen a rise in what is called SLEEP TEXTING , in which people wake up and are shocked to find messages they TEXTED IN THEIR SLEEP
23.The POSITION you sleep in may provide CLUES TO YOUR PERSONALITY . If you sleep curled up , you are most likely shy.
24-The BRITISH MILITARY was the first to develop a way for soldiers to stay AWAKE . When they would get sleepy , they put on a special pair of visors that mimic a sunrise .
25-KOALAS sleep for as many as 22 HOURS A DAY . Their DIET OF EUCALYPTUS leaves is low in nutrition so they sleep to conserve energy.
26- Sometimes your BRAIN IS MORE ACTIVE WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPING than when you are awake .
27 -The OJIBWE of the northern United States traditionally hang a DREAM CATCHER over a baby's cradle to capture bad dreams.
28- STEPHENIE MEYER the author of the TWI LIGHT SERIES , got the idea for the story and started writing it after she had a very VIVID DREAM about the two main characters .
29- It takes the average TEN - YEAR - OLD KID about TWENTY MINUTES to fall asleep .
30-To stay awake on his flight over the Atlantic Ocean , Charles Lindbergh HELD HIS EYES OPEN WITH HIS FINGERS . He almost crashed his plane when he dozed off for a few minutes.
31- Bee - eater birds sleep by lining up side - by - side on a wire . The two birds on the ends stay awake and WATCH FOR DANGER while the birds in the middle sleep . After a while they change places.
32. You can only SNORE if you are not in REM SLEEP .
33-HOT NIGHTS can cause sleep problems because we need to be able to COOL OFF TO FALL ASLEEP .
34-The loudest human snores are LOUDER THAN A JACKHAMMER.
35- NIGHT TERRORS , which are DIFFERENT THAN NIGHTMARES occur in kids in the first few hours of sleep , during deep sleep , which is why they don't remember them.
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