1. Housefljes use their feet to taste things,
2. Ticks grow from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a marble.
3. It takes 2,000 silikworm cncnane to produce 1 pound (0.45 kgi of silk.
4. A bee searching for food may fly up to 60 miles (97 km) in one day:
5. Ants can ift and carry mure than 50 times their own weight.
6. Mexican jumping beans "Jump" because of a caterpillar that tives inside.
7. One hundred moriarch butterffies weigh one ounce (go g). . Dung beetles were imported to Australia to combat an excess of poop from millions of cattle.
9. The queen of a certain kind of termite.can lay 40,p00 eggs a day.
10. Insects have been around for about 350 million years.
11. Abaut one third of all insects are carnivorous, and most hunt for their food rather than eating decaying meat or dung (poop),
12. When alarmeid, sorte hawk moth caterpillars fromn Brazil can inflate their bodies to look like the head of a snake.
13. There are 15 miltion named insects in the world,
14. Only female masquitoes bite humans; male mosquitoes live off juices from plants and decaying material.
15. In the winter, many insects replace the water in their bodies with a chemical that acts as antifresse against cold temperatures.
16. There are more kinds of beetles than plants
17. For two weeks each June in Tennessee, U.S.AS Great Smoky Mountains National Park, thousands of firellies gather at night and flash in unison.
18. Dung beetles eat poop and roll it away and bury it underground to fil to their young.
19. The postman butterfly caterpillar looks just like bird poop, a disguise that helps hide the intect from predators.
20. Insects have thiree pairs of legs.
21. Insect hearts are tube-shaped.
22. Insects were the first flying animals.
23. Most insects have two pairs of wings, but true fhes häve only one pair of wings, and sometimes none at all.
24. Flies can fly backward, sideways, and upside down.
25. Prior totaknoff in cold eather Insects warm up their tlight muscles by vibrating them.
26. A midge can beat its wings 62.760 times a minute-more than 10 times faster than a hum mingtird can,
27. The flower mantid has an ear between one pair of legs. 2. Mantids are the only insects able to tairn their head around and behind them.
29. Wooly bear moths can produce ultrasonic sounds to warn off predators and confuse bats looking for a tasty treat.
30. Predaci diving beetles carry air bubbles beneath their wrings to use for breathing while diving.
31. One in three insects isa beetle.
32. Female sheep nose tat flies deposit their young in the nostrils of sheep. After a year of living in the sheep's head, the young flies are sneezed out.
33. Havek moths can fly as tat as 30 miles per hour (so kph).
34. The "fur" on bees keeps them warm while flyimg in cold tamperatures.
35- Ant colonies can tive as deep as 20 feet. (6 m) underground.
36. After Hving underground for 17 years, millions of periodical cicadas will suddenly emerge within a few hours to live above ground for about a month.
37. The Jivaro Indians of Ecuador wear brightly colored bestie wing covers as narrings.
38. Museums use carpet beetles which will eat almost anything-to clean the skeletons of mammais.
39. In ancient Egypt., the dung beetle represented the marning sun god, Khepr
40. In 1889. an enormous sarm of locunts crosed the Rod Sea-the tarm s estliated ta contain zsa bilion locusts, cover an ata of a000e square miles (s.180 s km) and weigh 500,000 tons (a500 MTL
41. There are more than ten quadrillion ants in the world (that's 10,000,000,000,000,000).
42.A trap jaw ant can ciose its Jaws at a speed of 145 miles per hour (233 kph)-the fastest in the animal world Above: Leal Beetle Left: Glant Grasshoppar (frapidacris collara)
43. Queens of a kind of African driver ant lay about 50 million eggs a year.
44. A group of 200,000 army ants move is 45 feet (13-7 m) across.
45. Four out of five animals on Earth are insects,
46. A cockroach can D veeks without a head.
47. Cockroaches can survive underwater for as long as 15 minutes.
48. tc hreathe air through holes on the sides of their bodies.
49. Monarch butterflies have been seen A high as 3.937 feet (1,20o m) in the air.
50. Non-biting midges live 4.462 feet (1,360 m) below 10 face of Russia's Lake Baikal.
51. The most heat-tolerant insects are desert-dwelling ants that eat temperatures above 140°F (60°C).
52. The longest insect, a kind of beetle, is about half tfab z sm)- longer than some small Chihuahas.
53. The fastest insect-an Australian tiger can run 5,6 miles per hour (or 2.5 meters per second).
54. Carpenter bees produce largest insect eggs three millimeters in diameter (one-sixth the width of a dime). E Fleas can jump incredibly far-some fleas that are only a few millimeters across can mh more than 10 centimeters, or 50 times their body length, If you're five feet As m) tall, that's ike jumping 250 feet (76 m)l 56. The oldest faund fossil of an insect is of a 400 million year old springtail, which looks like a flea.
57. A 50-million-year-old ant fossil Taveals a queen that was two inches long (5.08 cm)-as large as a hummingbird without its beak.
58. In a flood, fire ants float by clinging together to make a waterproof raft.
59. Body lice-which live in the folds of clothing have been around for 190,000 years, about as long as people have been wearing clothes.
60. To escape predators, some caterpillars quickly curl into a ball and roll away at speeds of up to 8 inches (20 cm) per second.
61. Bug Appétit at the Audubon Insectarium in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., serves "chocolate chirp cookies": chocolate chip cookies, but with toasted grasshoppers. 62. Many cultures consider insects, from ants to scorpions, to be a delicious snack.
63. In Mexico, 1700 differ- ent kinds of insects are eaten.
64. Love-struck mosquitoes harmonize their buzzing.
65. Crickets create a chirping sound by rubbing their front wings together.
66. Female praying mantids often eat male praying mantids.
67. Silkworms- farmed for their silk-no longer exist in the wild.
68. Tiger beetles have ears under their wings and can hear only while flying.
69. When threatened, ladybugs play dead and release a foul-tasting fluid from their leg joints.
70. Flies don't have eyelids, so they rub thair eyes clean Blue Dragonfly with their feet.
71. Ants give directions: They re able to communicate to each other where FACTS food is.
72. Kissing bugs suck blood from around the mouths of sleeping people.
73. Millipedes have two pairs of legs on each body segment; centipedes; which aren't actually insects, have one pair of legs on each body segment.
74. Stink bugs emit a pungent odor when disturbed.
75. Madagascar hissing cockroaches make their namesake noise while fighting: winning roaches hiss more than losing roaches,
76. Walking sticks look exactly like twigs and can grow as long as 13 inches (33 cm). 77. Velvet ants are actually wingless female wasps.
78. African termite mounds can grow to be 42 feet (13 m) tall.
79- Leaf cutter ants trim off sections of leaves and carry them underground to add to fungi gardens used to feed baby ants.
80. Forty-one of the 50 U.S. states have an official state insect.
81, Water scorpions have breathing tubes on rwater.
82. In general, butterflies fly during the day, and moths fly at night.
83. The white witch moth has a wingspan of 11 inches (28 cm).
84, In Japan, insects are commonly kept as pets: Crickets in bamboo cages are sold at the market,
85. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, lightly fried termites are sold as a snack.
86. When army ants encounter holes along their path, they will position themselves over the hole and let other ants walk over them.
87. Four ladybugs and a jar of aphíds were car- their butts, which enables them to breathe air while the majority of their body rled on a space shuttle flight to study how they moved in zero gravity. Scientists found ladybugs were able to capture prey without an assist from gravity.
88. Dragonflies and damselflies are older than dinosaurs.
89. Dragonffies have two pairs of wings that they can beat in unison or separately: this flexibility allows the insects to act like a helicopter, hovering and flying backward.
90. Dragonflies rest with their wings spread; they are unable to fold them.
91. Beetles use their legs to clean their antennae.
92. The American walking stick can release a defensive chemical that temporarily blinds predators, including mice and birds.
93. Insects don't have bones; instead, they have a tough exterior called an exoskeleton.
94. Instead of blood, insect badies are filled with a fluid called haemolymph.
95. Insect wings are made of cuticle, the same material at the base of your fingernails.
96. Mayflies live for two to three years but often spend only one day as an adult.
97. When walking sticks are attacked, they can lose a leg and later grow it back.
98. Most insects lay eggs, but some cockroaches give birth to live young.
99. Cicadas make sounds that can be heard up to one mile (1.6 km) away.
100. A swarm of 50 billion grasshoppers can eat up to 100,000 tons (90,718 MT) in a single day.
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