1. Skin cells live 14 to 28 days; ned blood cells live 120 days.
2. Humans share 99.9 percent of their genes with each other.
3. Humans and chimps share 98.8 percent of their genes; humans and fruit flies share only 60 percent of their genes.
4. Your body releases about two cups (400-500 mL) of sweat a day.
5. Identical twins are always the same gender.
6. Every minute, your body sheds 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells.
7. Skin is the thinnest on your eyelids, the thickest on your palms and heels.
8. Eighty-five percent of kids have acne.
9. When exposed to direct sunlight, the body makes vitamin D. which boosts bone health and the immune system.
10. Your sweat contains inany of the same subslances as your pee.
11. Fingerprints never change and no two are alike.
12. Five million hairs grow on the body, but the scalp contains only about 100,000.
13. The hair on your head grows about o.01 inches (0.35 mm) a day
14. Hair on the top of your head grows faster than hair sprouting from the side of your head.
15. It takes 6 months to grow a fingernail, 18 months to grow a toenail.
16. Children's nails grow fastest during the summer,
17. More than 400 joints connect the 206 bones in a human skeleton.
18. The average adult skeleton welghs z0 pounds (9 kg).
19. The thighbone is the longest bone in the body, measuring about 18 inches (46 cm) in an adult.
20. The shortest bone in the body is in the ear and is only 0.1 inches (2.6 mm) long.
21. Every day, your body produces more than 100 billion new blood cells.
22. There are 14 bones in the face,
23. Teeth are not made of bone, but rather of hard substances called enamel, dentin, and cementum, and a soft tissue called pulp.
24. Each hand has 27 bones; each foot has 26.
25. Babics have more bones than adults; as people grow, some of their smaller bones fuSe Logether.
26. Almost ever yone is born with lat feet (having no arches in their feet).
27. Ihe word "muscle" comes from the Latin word "musculus" which means "little mouse" The Romans thought a flexing muscle looked ike a rodent moving beneath the skin.
28. Of 100BODYFACTS the body's 650 muscles, the gluteus maximus (or butt muscle) is Lhe largest.
29. The body uses 12 leg muscles to walk.
30. It takes 12 muscles to smile, 11 to frown.
31. All of an adull's blood vessels laid end to-end could circle Earth two and a half Limas.
32. Blood travels 12,000 miles (19,000 km) in one day.
33. The heart pumps blood through its largest artery at. about one mile per hour (1.6 kph). In tiny vessels, blood moves only 43 inches an hour (109 cm per hour),
34. A soft tissue called marrow inside bones produces most new blod cells.
35. Blood itself is about 100.4"F (38"C)a little hotter than the average body temperature,
36. Blood fis always red, but its shade varles by location in the body.
37. Being afraid and angry Increases your heart rate by 30 to 40 beats per minute.
38. Squeezing a tennis ball with your hand gives you a good idea of how hard the heart works to pump blood.
39. Ihe human heart weighs halta pound (0.2 kg) in women, slightly more in men.
40. The smalleat bilood vessels in the body are much tinier than a human hair, and just big unough that red blood cells can pass through single filt.
41. A Brazilian man set a world record by holding his breath underwater for 20 minutes and 21 seconds.
42. The amount of air that passes through the lungs each day could fit into 2,600 gallon (10,00o L) milk jugs.
43. The Word "lung" comes from a Germanic word meaning "light"; toguther your two lungs weigh only 2.5 puunds (1.1 kg).
44. Myth Busted! Your heart does not stop when you sneeze.
45. It's very difficult to keep your eyes open during a sneeze,
46. Tun to 15 minutes of laughing burns about 50 calories:
47. Americans eat about 100,000 pounds (45,359 kg) of food in a ifetime.
48. Each day, your mouth makes about 1 to 1.5 quarts (a.9 to 14 L) of saliva.
49. A stomach can expand from Lwu aunc (as mi ta 88
ane gallan (3.8 L).
50. It takes food about three to five hours to make its way through the ten- foot (3-m)-long small intestine.
51. The liver weighs about three pounds (1.3 kg) and is the largest gland in the body.
52. The average adult produces 48 gallons (181.7 L) of gas in a year.
53. Goose bumps are caused by the contraction of muscles at the base of body hairs.
54. Your stomach gYowls both when it's hungry and when it's digesting food.
55. About so to 100 hairs fall out of vour head every day.
56. When walking, a person's foot hits the ground with a force about three times their body weight.
57. The lower jawbone is the skull's only movable bone.
58. Another name for the thumb is the pollux.
59. A cough can expel material at speeds of up to 100 miles ner hour (161 kph).
60. The left lung is about 10 percent smaller than the right because it has a notch where it curves around the heart.
61. Lungs are pale pink at birth but over time darken to gray or black as they collect carbon.
62. It is physically impossible to hold your breath until you die; your brain forces your body to take a breath,
63. Scientists working on the Bellybutton Biodiversity Project have found more than 1,400 different types of bacteria living in people's belly buttons.
64. The human body requires two to three quarts (19-2.8 L) of water a day.
65. Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve metal nails.
66. Red blood cells are flattened in the center because they lack a nucleus, which all other cells have.
67. Stretched flat, the lungs' alve- oli-tiny air sacs--would cover 861 square feet (80 sg m).
68. The human body loses about 11 ounces (0.3 L) of water every day through breathing.
69. Breathing in lasts about two seconds: breathing out about three.
70. The human heart at rest beats about 70 to 80 times a minute; a blue whale's only beats 6 times per minute.
71. Adults usually have 32 teeth, although the record is 35.
72. An adult body has 50-100 trillion cells.
73. The nerve cells that run from the spine to the toe are more than three feet (0.9 m) long.
74. Every minute of every day, the kidneys purify about one quart (0.9 1) of blood,
75. It takes a meal 15 hours to 2 days to completely pass through you.
76. Tiny, fingerlike folds called villi on the small intestine increase its size more than eight times.
77. Heterochromia, or having different-colored eyes, is rare in humans but common in dogs.
78. The human brain can detect more than 10,000 different smells.
79. Your brain is only 2 percent of your total body weight, but it uses 20-25 percent of your body's energy.
80. The spinal cord is only about 1.4 feet (44 cm) long, but it contains i billion nerve cells.
81. The human tongue THAT WILL WAIRATTLESE has about 9,00o0 taste buds.
82 The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates recommended that people use a ball of wool moistened with honey to brush their teeth.
83. Food must be dissolved in water to have taste; this is one of the reasons vwhy your mouth produces spit.
84. There are ten tímes more bacteria cells in your body than human cells.
85. If you were to hold a nickel and a penny in your hand, together they would weigh about the same as your eyeball, 7.5 grams.
86. The average time between blinks is 2.8 seconds.
87. Human skin weighs nine pounds (4.1 kg).
88. If cake off all your skin and spread it out on the floor, it would cover 20.8 square feet (1.9 sg you coule m).
89. In shorter, heavier people, the stomach tends to lie horizontally; in taller, thinner people, the stomach miore often lies vertically.
90. Alien hand syndrome is a condition that causes a person to lose control of their hands' movements.
91. The world's longest fingernails are a total of 19 feet, 9 inches (6 m)-about as long as a killer whale.
92. The longest tongue ever measured sticks out 3.86 inches (9.8 cm) from the record-holder's mouth.
93. The longest nose on a living person is 3.46 inches (8.8 cm) from bridge to tip.
94. The proud owner of the world's longest ear hair has hair more than half a foot long sprouting from the middle of his ear.
95. The world's stron- gest tongue can lift a 27-pound (12.5 kg) weight.
96. The woman with the world's longest hair-18.5 feet (5.6 m)-hasn't had a haircut since 1973.
97. It's impossible to tickle yourself.
98. Hair and nails do not continue to grow after death; that's just.a creepy myth.
99. Eating to0 many carrots will turn your skin orange.
100. Just like fingerprints, no two tongue prints are alike.
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